Songtext: „The Island of Sun“ © Markus Gusenbauer

© Sonneninsel. Papa Markus begeistert mit seiner Version von „The House of Rising Sun“.

Kreativität gehört zu den Grundbedürfnissen des Menschen. Auf der Sonneninsel dürfen wir immer wieder erleben, wie sich kreative Ideen frei entfalten können. So auch dieses stimmungsvolle Lied von Papa Markus – er hat den Klassiker „The House of Rising Sun“ fantasievoll in eine wunderbare „Sonneninsel-Version“ umgedichtet:

„There is a house at the Wallersee.
They call the Island of the Sun.
It has been the excitement of many a poor kids,
and me, thanks god, I am one.

My brothers and my sisters
can follow me on this trip.
My sweetheart is very special and kind,
recovers at the Island of the Sun.

Well, the only thing a kids soul needs,
is happiness and joy.
And the only time it’s satisfied
is when it’s loved and free.

Please tell other children you may know,
they should do what I have done.
Have a look at the house at the Wallersee
they call the Island of the Sun.

They fill our plates to the brim
and they passing them around.
The only pleasure they get out of live
is to heal little souls wound.

Well, it’s on foot on the platform
and the other on the train.
I am going back to the Wallersee
to recover from all my pain.

I am going back to the Wallersee,
last break is long time ago.
I am going there to spend my time
to enjoy the Island of the Sun.“

© Sonneninsel. Gemeinsames Musizieren bereitet den Familien viel Freude.

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